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Saturday 24 December 2011

Our Parents Visit!

Norm Barb Rolie and Deb are here! Unfortunately I woke up Friday morning feeling the most sick I had felt yet. But luckily, I had Barb get me a prescription of Z-pack. So the second I saw them I made sure to get that in my system. It was great to see our parents though! We met them outside the flat they rented for the week and then brought them around Oxford the day. By late afternoon the Z-pack was kicking in and I was feeling 80% better I was thrilled! When we brought them to Harcourt Hill (where we live), even they said “this is horrible”. They were shocked with our living arrangements, just as we were the first day, and half jokingly said they were shocked we stayed! Haha. They let us be for the rest of the night and headed back to their flat to cure their jetlag. I think my dad told me 5 times “don’t go out tonight your sick”. I went back to my room and ate soup, drank like a gallon of orange juice, took advil, vitamin C pills, had like 30 cough drops, and laid down for awhile. I got a skype call from the parents a few hours later where they so nicely told me I didn’t look so good and my dad told me one more time not to go out. Well, I totally wasn’t planning on going out I swear….but I only have like 2 more weeks left! I went out. Sorry dad. So I got a bottle of red wine because everyone knows a glass of red wine is supposed to be good for you, and I ordered lots of drinks with orange juice…vitamin C! ;) hahah I’m sure that all helped. But honestly something worked because I woke up and only felt a little sick again, and once I took the Z-pack again I felt perfect!

The plan was to leave to meet our parents around 10 and head to London by 11. Katie was a huge struggle today. I went over in the morning to help her pack to prevent her from packing only tank tops again. Well we struggled longer than planned and didn’t get the bus to our parents until 11. When we finally got to our parents they immediately knew Katie was hungover and started picking on her while telling her she should have been more like me and stayed in. (last they knew I was laying in my bed like a good girl planning on spending the night in because i had been sick). We made it into London by late afternoon and were off to find a pub because our parents were freaking out about it. They had their minds set that like the only thing they should eat in England is things from pubs… I don’t know, we didn’t get it. But we found a pub and had a fun time in there. It was great being praised all day for not going out and listening to them give Katie trouble for going out. However, it didn’t last because at one point there was a slip up and I was caught saying I remembered something from last night, because i had actually gone out, and the lie was caught. Oops!
We headed to the London Eye next! The London Eye is like this GIANT ferris wheel that goes super slow so you get the full view of London.
Deb was freaking out before we got on because she is afraid of heights, but she actually did a great job once we were on it! It was beautiful at night.
Waffles are like a big dessert thing here, its kind of strange actually. But Katie and I got one to share since we hadn't tried this odd dessert tradition yet. It was pretty good, but i think i'd rather have it as my breakfast still...minus the chocolate sauce!
We caught the bus home and stayed at our parents flat for the night. We stayed because we were leaving for Paris early in the morning! So Katie packed good clothes this time, not tank tops…but we both forgot blankets. So we slept on our parent’s little sofas with their jackets as blankets…it was pretty funny.

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