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Saturday 24 December 2011


530AM we were up and getting ready to leave! We took a taxi to London, and then the Chunnel to Paris. The second we got to Paris it was clear this would be an experience. Obviously, everyone was speaking French, and the moment we were caught speaking American English, we were getting looks up and down. We even asked for directions to les toilettes and the French guys gave us completely wrong directions…rude. You would think that after all the years of French i've taken that i would be able to speak it a little bit better haha, but unfortunately not. I did know most of the basic sayings and phrases though which was helpful, and surprisingly it was quite easy to pick up on what they were saying a lot of the times. We dropped our bags at our super swanky hotel and went out to get lunch at a cute little French café. Oh but then it started raining, that was fun. The café was cute though, and the champagne that we had was delicious, and only the first of many more glasses this trip. By the end of lunch it was completely downpouring sideways..aha. jokes. So we braved the rain and attempted to shop. But that was a complete fail so instead we went and got dessert….and more champagne. We got crepes and cakes and basically one of everything on the menu! When we were trying to make our way back to our hotel we got a little turned around so we asked for directions, one person told us to go a certain way and then we decided to ask another person, who told us the complete opposite. It was like the French were just messing with us. Not funny. Then we decided to go to the Eiffel tower because the rain had kind of let up. We got in a few good pictures before the windstorm kicked in and then we were out of there!
The tower was really pretty at night though, the way that it lit up and everything. Also at certain times it would sparkle like a Christmas tree! It was really cool. So, we went to dinner but first asked our concierge for advice on a nice quick light dinner place. Well they sent us to a long, heavy dinner place…thanks. It was so weird too everyone got their food and me and Katie had soups as appetizers and we hadn’t finished ours yet so they didn’t bring our food. And by the time everyone was finished eating, we still hadn’t gotten our food…they didn’t bring over our meals until we pushed the soups out of in front of us. The waitress was super rude too and rolling her eyes at us and stuff. They do NOT like it when you try to speak French apparently. Or just when your American. Well, we had enough with this day so we decided to just go back to our hotel and go to bed, hoping tomorrow would be a bit better.

We wanted to go shopping, but more like window shopping because we were in the most expensive city, on the most expensive street in the world! So it was fun to look and cry at all the things I wish I could have…actually no it was horrible and depressing. But we ended that quick enough and were just thankful that today it was NOT raining. It was actually really beautiful out. We went to a sandwich shop for lunch and had amazing baguette sandwiches with fresh deli meat. Mmm it was delicious, I won’t be able to have a sandwich at home the same. Katie and I went to the Eiffel tower alone after because we wanted to see it during the day.
Well after a few photo shoot sessions we had had ENOUGH with France and its tower. See ya never, time to go. We went to our hotel bar and ordered ridiculously expensive glasses of champagne and ended our trip on that note. In case you didn’t get the hint, the only thing I really liked about France was the champagne.
We took the chunnel home, Deb says to tell everyone she looks pretty…so there you go Deb. Haha. We decided to take a train back to Oxford and we had to run through the train station trying to get tickets because the last train was boarding in 2 minutes. So everyone was sprinting around trying to figure out how to get tickets, it was a ridiculous sight. We got the tickets, and some how Katie had time to get a Pasty? Deb was not too happy about that, she was starving. She really wanted that Pasty haha. Everyone was a little upset Katie didn’t get everyone Pastys it was hilarious. Well anyways, we made it on the last train…paid about 120pounds for tickets I believe…and no one ever checked them. Such a waste of money! We were all pretty happy to get back to England. J'ai deteste France

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