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Monday 10 October 2011

Lurking in London

Saturday morning Katie Sarah and I left for London around 11am. I was so excited to enjoy a relaxing weekend at the park lane hotel. Shopping was number one on our to do list when we arrived in the city. We dropped our bags at the hotel and headed to oxford street..where all the good shopping in london is. On our way we stopped at a pub for lunch. We finally tried the infamous dish “fish and chips” It was really good! Probably because it was all deep fried…

After lunch we continued towards oxford street.

Struggle number 1: The streets were absolutely packed with people. We went into a store called Primark first. Its basically a big department store and everything is super cheap. I have never experienced shopping how I did this day. We had to shove and push people every way we went. The dressing room lines were out of control I didn’t even consider trying things on. I knew there was a reason I don’t shop on black Friday...and this was exactly why. You would honestly think they were giving out free stuff. My relaxing day of shopping quickly turned into a hectic panic. I do not shop well like that, and we all had to get out of there. After buying a few 'must haves' we bolted for the exit. However the streets weren’t much different and we had to maneuver ourselves through packs of people all day. We shopped most of the day until we couldn’t brave the crowds anymore.

Struggle number 2: Then we headed to dinner, which caused us walking in circles around the hotel area struggling to find a place until after maybe 20+ minutes of wandering we found this amazing Italian place called Prezzo. After all eating ourselves into food comas we went back to our hotel and got ready to go out for the night!

We met up with Sarah’s friends and went to a place called Zoobar which was like a club/bar obviously. It was so much fun! Katie Sarah and I stayed until around 230 but the other girls had gone home a little earlier. When we decided to leave we intended on just grabbing a taxi back to the hotel.

Struggle number 3: who knew hailing a taxi would be so difficult. Apparently at 230 in the morning every taxi is already taken. At first we were all laughing having a good time trying to hail one down…but two hours later when it was raining, it started to not be so fun anymore. There were a few instances where a cab would pull over and we would all be thrilled…but then the driver would tell us he isn’t going that way. And we had to find one that would be willing to drop Sarah off at her friend’s house and bring Katie and me back to our hotel. Well…after the 2 hour struggle Sarah finally got one to pull over and after a minute of begging we were inside the cab on our way back. Sarah just ended up spending the night at the hotel with us. Alls I could think about was jumping onto that king size bed and passing out…and that is exactly what we did.

Struggle number 4: The next morning was a struggle in itself. But we ate a delicious (and expensive) breakfast at the hotel to gain some strength to actually leave the room. Once we ate and showered we were feeling slightly better and made our way to Camden market. Camden market is kind of like a flea market but way better. Its outdoor but covered shopping with tons of cute clothes and things. Unfortunately…or thankfully, I didn’t have any cash so I couldn’t buy anything..but it was definitely better off…plus we will be back. We spent the day there and then came across our last struggle of the day when it was time for lunch.

Struggle number 5: We walked into a restaurant where Camden market was and we were all so excited to eat there. As we worked our way up the stairs we worked up our appetites too, talking about what we were going to get and how hungry we were. Well the second we got up there the host said they weren’t serving until an hour later. Okay. So we got back on the train and headed back towards our hotel area.
-We walked to the Hardrock cafĂ© right by our hotel. We wanted nachos (our favorite) and a burger. So excited because there was a picture of nachos on the outside…looked great. The wait was an hour. See ya later. So we walked another five minutes to a strip of a bunch of restauranty cafes. After walking up and down twice we walked into a pub. Sat down contemplated the menu for 10 minutes. Decided what we wanted phew finally because we were starting to starve! The waitress comes over…and says, “I’m sorry the cooks are now taking a break for a half hour so we won’t be able to make you anything” is this a sick joke? It wasn’t …so we left.
-We walked down the street to another pub (same menu) we don’t understand but oh well at least we knew what we wanted already. So we went up to the bar and ordered. I went first….the guy tells me they don’t have what I want. Okay fine so I got the chicken burger and chips. And sat down relieved we would finally get food. Katie walks over to me and says, “the guy made a mistake they are out of chicken burgers” I was legit laughing at this point. So I don’t even know what it was I ended up ordering….but it wasn’t very good. So thank god we ordered nachos there as an appetizer (which we devoured in .5 seconds). But finally the struggles of the day had ended.

Now we just had to take the hour and half bus ride back to Oxford. But we laughed the whole way home thinking about the previous struggles we had gone through the past two days. Overall…minus the setbacks my weekend was awesome and I laughed for 80% of it…even when I was standing in the rain trying to hail down a damn taxi. London was a serious adventure, and I look forward to do it again…but this time I’m leaving wherever I am before the underground train closes…and packing an umbrella.

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