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Saturday 22 October 2011


Katie, Sarah, Matt, Emily, and myself all ventured to Ireland this past weekend. We left Friday morning and stayed until Monday afternoon. It was an awesome time I didn’t want to leave!!

Need to know
Barnacles- name of our hostel
James-name of our pub crawl tour guide

We took the bus to the train station, train to the airport, and plane to Dublin! Kind of a hassle for a 45 minute flight but it got us where we wanted to be. We flew on Ryanair airlines…which kind of has a bad reputation. They are known for their delays and they pin you with a bunch of hidden fees. You are only allowed one carry on and they are super strict about it, we had to put our bags in a measurement bin to make sure they fit and we couldn’t even have satchels or purses they had to be shoved in our bags! So having only a backpack for 4 days was a bit of a struggle. The plane actually wasn’t bad at all…I was expecting the worst so I was a lot more calm once I realized the plane was actually nicer than what I usually flight to High Point on.
When we arrived in Ireland we knew it, their accents are so strong and hard to understand. I was just getting used to the British accent and now I’m in a place where the combination “th” doesn’t exist.
Three- tree
ETC. it’s kind of funny, but really can be a struggle to understand!
Anyways, we got to our hostel, Barnacles. Again, I was kind of expecting the worst..i’ve never stayed in a hostel and well the only knowledge I have on them is the bad reviews and the horror movie ‘hostel’. So basically I was scared to death. We had a room with 3 bunks…so six people…and we only made up 5 of them. Reception told us we would be having a 6th roommate for the weekend…great. When we went up to our room we were happy to see no one was in there, so we claimed our assigned beds 2-6. The room was bright pink and green it was fun looking.

Our hostel was in an area called Temple Bar, which is basically the center city where everything is. All the site seeing touristy things, pubs, bars, restaurants, shops, everything to do was in walking distance which was really nice.
Then we got ready for the Pub Crawl!
We visited 5 different pubs over the course of the night.
At the first pub we got 1 free beer…obviously I didn’t. Matt got some oyster beer which sounded disgusting I don’t know how he drank it. Katie got a beer that was like some ridiculous 7% or something? She wanted to vom and said it was gross…Sarah and Emily got normal sounding beers and I got a glass of wine…I’m such a girl. It was great that we got a free drink but then james told us we had 3 minutes to drink them…annoying.

The next bar we learned how to pour your own pint…which again I clearly didn’t.
But they brought us out free chips which we devoured in a matter of minutes. Oh yeah, on this pub crawl with us was a bachelor party. So in other words 5 extremely drunk and annoying men…except I hesitate to call them men because they acted like they were 12. So at times they were funny, but most of the time just sloppy.

3rd bar had cheap cocktails.
Finally, my kind of place. except for the fact that they didn’t have anymore cosmo glasses. What kind of bar runs out of cosmo glasses!? There was live entertainment at this bar.. 2 Boys playing the guitar and singing [Sidenote.] Its so strange how irish singers don’t sing with an accent…whats up with that?
Okay 4th bar was swanky and their deal was cheap shots. Katie and I got distracted downstairs in the bathroom with these 2 german girls who were asking our advice on guys. They asked if in America you are supposed to wait around for the guy you like to text you. We said no you should text him right now…so after asking ‘are you sure’ like twenty times she handed me the phone and had me text something to this boy. When the boy responded she and her friend literally started screaming at the top of their lungs. Sarah barged in the bathroom nervous to see what was happening...only to realize it was us and our new friends screaming for i don't even know what reason. It was hilarious…When we finally got back upstairs to the bar we got “baby guinness” shots. They were so cuteee

The 5th and final bar was a cocktail bar where we all tried to learn Gaellic, and all failed miserably.
We went home, but not before getting pizza..not okay.. and nervously opened up the door to our room scared our roommate would be in there. We all looked to the right up at bunk number 1 where he would be and phewww no one. I was relieved I could get a good night sleep without freaking out about a stranger across the room from me.

Saturday we bought a “hop on hop off” tour which was a city site seeing tour where you could get on and off this bus as many times as you want for 2 days. The bus had around 23 stops each stop having a certain tourist attraction.
The first place we went to was the Jameson Distillery

We all got a free drink made with Jameson whiskey at the end and Me and Matt were chosen to be Whiskey Tasters at the end of the tour! I was so excited.

We had 3 different types of whiskey in front of us
The first one was scotch whisky- tasted like wood.
The second was the American whiskey- tasted like burnt flowers
The third was the Jameson whiskey- I don’t know what it tasted like but I didn’t like it.

so as I tasted each one…I wanted to vom and washed it down with my free drink. Needless to say after washing each taste of whiskey down with a whiskey drink on an empty stomach…I was feeling it. The whiskey alone was not something I liked, but the drink that I got was cranberry and jameson and I actually really enjoyed it…but maybe that’s just because anything would have tasted good after drinking a whiskey that tasted like wood. Regardless it was really fun, and Matt and I even got certificates that say we are professional whiskey tasters now Haha!!

After Jameson we went to the Dublin Castle!
It was so pretty and ‘grand’ inside, I loved it. I wish I could live in a castle and have a throne.

When we left the Castle it started to downpour and we had a good walk home…so we kind of turned into a run instead. When we got back to barnacles we were soaked. And I mean like my jacket was dripping my boots were ruined socks had to be thrown out soaked. It was awful. But we went to the hardrock café for dinner and the mac and cheese cheered me up. It was the best mac and cheese everrrr and it better have been seeing I paid 15euros for it. Yes I don’t want to talk about it.
We went to a cute little Irish pub after but got back at a decent time because we had another jam-packed day ahead of us. We walked into our room once again nervously looking to the right to see if bed number one was occupied yet. PHEW. No one there still. We all felt relieved and it didn’t look like we would have a roommate all weekend! Yay.

The first thing on our list was St. Patricks Cathedral. It was really pretty, but it was kind of like all the other Cathedral’s I have seen. After that we headed to the Guinness storehouse. It was giant! There were 7 floors which covered everything you need and want to know about Guinness, how it’s made…what it is made from, advertising techniques, etc. It was really interesting and fun. We even got to ‘trace our Guinness roots’ to see if we had any ancestors who had anything to do with Guinness, and I found Stewart Wilson, which is actually my grandfathers name too so that was pretty cool!

There was also a room where we got to taste the Guinness…ew I tasted it, for some reason thinking it wouldn’t taste like beer…well I guess it didn’t. it was worse. But I had to taste it being in the Guinness factory and all.

On the top floor was the Gravity bar which had a 360 degree view of Dublin. It was such a nice day and the sun was coming through it was so pretty!

Our last stop of the day was the Kilmainham Gaol (jail) which is one of the largest jails in Europe. People were put in this jail for things such as stealing a loaf of bread, or to the extreme of murder. There were men children and women. The youngest prisoner was FIVE years old. Can you believe that!?

some of the jail cells were open and we got to go in them, so claustrophobic

It was our last night and we got dinner at a pub where they were actually playing American Football and the Patriots were on so that was cool. I got a burger but their burgers here are really weird, they aren’t anything like American burgers…I don’t really know how to explain them but I miss American cheeseburgers. Anyways. We got back to barnacles and walked into our room for the last time looking right cautiously to see that still, no one was in that top bunk. PHEW we made it the whole time! As we walked in a couple more feet…I yelled….as I saw a man….sleeping…IN MY BED. Katie looked like she had just had a heart attack and she stumbled back grabbing me and we all exited the room right away. Then we were in hysterics laughing about this situation. Except as much as I was laughing I was not finding it that funny. Get this boy out of my bed…what kind of joke is this. After standing in the hall for 10 minutes laughing and figuring out what to do we went back in…and I had to sleep in the top bunk where this boy should have been but for some reason thought he should get in my bed instead! So scary. Tried to sleep with one eye open…

The next morning we woke up, happy to be alive because some strange man was in our room all night. I’m clearly still not over it haha. So we walked around Trinity college, but didn’t do the formal tour because it was kind of pricey after the amount of money we had spent already. We went to a place called Dublina, which is a museum that has 3 exhibits. The first exhibit was for the Vikings!

which was really fun, did you know that there is no proof Vikings ever wore hats with those horns on the sides? The horned head pieces did exist but they were really for religious ceremonial symbols and they were most likely not even around anymore by the times of the Vikings. Such a let down about the image we think of when we hear Vikings!
The second exhibit was for the medieval times

we got to dress up a lot in each exhibit which is probably why we thought it was so fun. But I actually did learn a lot in each one. This museum was one of the most interesting I’ve been too because it was so interactive and informative at the same time.
The third exhibit was archaeology history

In this exhibit we learned about what archaeologists do and how they do it. We also learned things like how they can determine how old a skeleton is, or what gender etc. It was very interesting.

Our next stop was St Christs Church Cathedral, where we had tea in the Crypts! It was cool…and kind of creepy actually.

We finished our day with dinner at an Irish pub with Irish music, and then it was time to head to the airport.

Ryanair lived up to its bad rep this night. The plane was delayed…Once we were on the plane the pilot apologized for the delay because of ‘severe weather conditions’ I was freaking out! But it turned out not to be such a bad flight thankfully. However…because of how delayed the plane was we missed our train…which caused us to have to stay in a hotel for the night! Ugh. But I suppose it wasn’t so horrible because I got to have a nice shower and sleep in a big comfy bed! ☺ nice way to end the vacation I would say.

Overall Dublin was awesome! I absolutely loved it, and I definitely hope I can go back some day. It was very similar to oxford except it was almost like a “themed” oxford…obviously because it was loaded with Irish things. It was like every where we went you heard Irish music, or saw the flag, or cool things outside gift shops. It was a fun experience and I enjoyed every second of it!

Monday 10 October 2011

Lurking in London

Saturday morning Katie Sarah and I left for London around 11am. I was so excited to enjoy a relaxing weekend at the park lane hotel. Shopping was number one on our to do list when we arrived in the city. We dropped our bags at the hotel and headed to oxford street..where all the good shopping in london is. On our way we stopped at a pub for lunch. We finally tried the infamous dish “fish and chips” It was really good! Probably because it was all deep fried…

After lunch we continued towards oxford street.

Struggle number 1: The streets were absolutely packed with people. We went into a store called Primark first. Its basically a big department store and everything is super cheap. I have never experienced shopping how I did this day. We had to shove and push people every way we went. The dressing room lines were out of control I didn’t even consider trying things on. I knew there was a reason I don’t shop on black Friday...and this was exactly why. You would honestly think they were giving out free stuff. My relaxing day of shopping quickly turned into a hectic panic. I do not shop well like that, and we all had to get out of there. After buying a few 'must haves' we bolted for the exit. However the streets weren’t much different and we had to maneuver ourselves through packs of people all day. We shopped most of the day until we couldn’t brave the crowds anymore.

Struggle number 2: Then we headed to dinner, which caused us walking in circles around the hotel area struggling to find a place until after maybe 20+ minutes of wandering we found this amazing Italian place called Prezzo. After all eating ourselves into food comas we went back to our hotel and got ready to go out for the night!

We met up with Sarah’s friends and went to a place called Zoobar which was like a club/bar obviously. It was so much fun! Katie Sarah and I stayed until around 230 but the other girls had gone home a little earlier. When we decided to leave we intended on just grabbing a taxi back to the hotel.

Struggle number 3: who knew hailing a taxi would be so difficult. Apparently at 230 in the morning every taxi is already taken. At first we were all laughing having a good time trying to hail one down…but two hours later when it was raining, it started to not be so fun anymore. There were a few instances where a cab would pull over and we would all be thrilled…but then the driver would tell us he isn’t going that way. And we had to find one that would be willing to drop Sarah off at her friend’s house and bring Katie and me back to our hotel. Well…after the 2 hour struggle Sarah finally got one to pull over and after a minute of begging we were inside the cab on our way back. Sarah just ended up spending the night at the hotel with us. Alls I could think about was jumping onto that king size bed and passing out…and that is exactly what we did.

Struggle number 4: The next morning was a struggle in itself. But we ate a delicious (and expensive) breakfast at the hotel to gain some strength to actually leave the room. Once we ate and showered we were feeling slightly better and made our way to Camden market. Camden market is kind of like a flea market but way better. Its outdoor but covered shopping with tons of cute clothes and things. Unfortunately…or thankfully, I didn’t have any cash so I couldn’t buy anything..but it was definitely better off…plus we will be back. We spent the day there and then came across our last struggle of the day when it was time for lunch.

Struggle number 5: We walked into a restaurant where Camden market was and we were all so excited to eat there. As we worked our way up the stairs we worked up our appetites too, talking about what we were going to get and how hungry we were. Well the second we got up there the host said they weren’t serving until an hour later. Okay. So we got back on the train and headed back towards our hotel area.
-We walked to the Hardrock café right by our hotel. We wanted nachos (our favorite) and a burger. So excited because there was a picture of nachos on the outside…looked great. The wait was an hour. See ya later. So we walked another five minutes to a strip of a bunch of restauranty cafes. After walking up and down twice we walked into a pub. Sat down contemplated the menu for 10 minutes. Decided what we wanted phew finally because we were starting to starve! The waitress comes over…and says, “I’m sorry the cooks are now taking a break for a half hour so we won’t be able to make you anything” is this a sick joke? It wasn’t …so we left.
-We walked down the street to another pub (same menu) we don’t understand but oh well at least we knew what we wanted already. So we went up to the bar and ordered. I went first….the guy tells me they don’t have what I want. Okay fine so I got the chicken burger and chips. And sat down relieved we would finally get food. Katie walks over to me and says, “the guy made a mistake they are out of chicken burgers” I was legit laughing at this point. So I don’t even know what it was I ended up ordering….but it wasn’t very good. So thank god we ordered nachos there as an appetizer (which we devoured in .5 seconds). But finally the struggles of the day had ended.

Now we just had to take the hour and half bus ride back to Oxford. But we laughed the whole way home thinking about the previous struggles we had gone through the past two days. Overall…minus the setbacks my weekend was awesome and I laughed for 80% of it…even when I was standing in the rain trying to hail down a damn taxi. London was a serious adventure, and I look forward to do it again…but this time I’m leaving wherever I am before the underground train closes…and packing an umbrella.


Friday we went to iron bridge, in coalbrookdale to see, well, the world's first cast iron bridge, built in England in 1779. We also went to the ironbridge gorge museum. We drove there with Peter..which is horrifying by the way..and it was a two and a half hour drive. Needless to say, the drive wasn’t so fun. When we arrived it started to rain just a bit, but luckily not enough to force us inside. We walked over the bridge, which on a nice day I’m sure was a beautiful view. Although the weather wasn’t so great it was cool to see this piece of history. It is crazy how far we have come since then and how this single iron bridge influenced the growth of iron usage and impacted society forever. We went to a bunch of museums too, which I started to find kind of boring after we walked through the seventh room filled with china. Honestly, how much china do I need to see? But, there was one museum I thought was cool. The Darby Houses, which took us through the house of the Darby family who were Quaker ironmasters. The house looked tiny from the outside but once we were in there it seemed like the rooms went on forever. However, I did realize this is definitely a lifestyle I would not want to live. There was no bathroom instead there was a little pull out drawer from their nightstands with like..a bowl_pot. Is that a joke haha i'm going to stop complaining about my dorm now. And they didn't shower. If they wanted to take a bath their servants would bring up a large enough tub type thing and then fill it with pails of water..and only in the summer because you would catch a cold in the winter! At the end of this museum there was a room full of old fashion clothes, and we got to try them on! It was so fun and hilarious.

But again, definitely not something I would have enjoyed if I lived then. The women had to wear tight as can be corsets under all their dresses, so much that they can’t even bend over. Skinny jeans are enough work for me, forgett what they went through. And the dresses are so heavy! I did not expect it to be that heavy when I picked it up. Then there are the bonnets...and well enough said..there's a reason no one wears bonnets anymore. They don’t work for anyone unless you’re under the age of one. So I learned a lot on my trip to ironbridge and i'm grateful it was the last time I will have to drive with peter!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

i'm not in Boston anymore

So, i've been here for a couple weeks but i am going to start from the first day i got here and try to quickly sum up all the things i've been doing since! then i will make sure to stay on top of it. None of my other posts are going to be nearly as long buut i just wanted to fill you in and get you in on the british lingo!

September 16th
If you know me well, you know i'm terrified of flying. So, the 6 hour flight I had ahead of me was the last thing I wanted to think about. Luckily I had enough distractions to keep my mind off the flight for a little while. Distractions being, figuring out how i'm going to shave off 7 pounds from my overweight suitcases, how much more i can fit in my carry on, and how much i should leave in a box to have sent to me once i'm gone. The amount of stuff (mostly clothing) that I insisted on taking was admittedly ridiculous.

Anyways, I spent my last day in danvers finishing up packing, triple checking my lists, and struggling through hard good byes. Once it was time to leave for the airport, I started to get anxious and excited...fear surprisingly hadn't hit me all day. I was excited for my new adventure and I was ready to go now. I said goodbye to my puppies, my queen size bed, and my own bathroom...the three things in my house i was going to miss most and have to live without for the next 3 months.
So we packed up the car and headed to the airport, stopping at Prince Pizza first with the DelSapios for a quick lunch. My last american meal for three months! After lunch we were airport bound and the butterflies kicked in. Of all the things i could be nervous of, it was only the plane ride that had me worried. Not to mention it had just finished down pouring which didn't help the fear of being up there in the sky for 6 long hours. Then it became time for my suitcases to distract me again. Ron and my dad dropped us at the door with our combined 6 suitcases and left us to manage them inside. Once we were all together each person was rolling one suitcase. This is when Katie and I realized that once we got to England....we were screwed. Crossing my fingers as they weighed my suitcases the first one came out to be 56lbs which is 6lbs over the limit asking for a overweight fee...well we knew that was coming. My second suitcase was 51lbs but she let the one pound slide. thank god! So that left me with just my carry on and a backpack. easy enough to handle. We made our way to the security line and had to say goodbye to our parents. As we stood in the long line of security ron, deb, barb, and my dad stood there watching us. Then all 4 of them whipped out their phones and started taking pictures of us. And not just like one or two pictures but they kept going, and then they were following us as we were moving up in line! we were in hysterics we thought it was so funny. We literally had our own little line of paparazzi was too funny.
Before we knew it we were boarding the plane and i had to send my last texts on my blackberry until christmas break. We are supposed to get sleep on this flight because we took off at 630PM and arrived around 630AM. Its only a 6 hour flight but the time difference is England is ahead 5 hours...6 after day lights saving. I was nervous as we were taking off, but i was still full of excitement so luckily i remained pretty calm. The flight was boring, katie passed out like 20 minutes in so i was just sitting there alone listening to my not so updated ipod. I managed to sleep for maybe an hour and a half but not much more than that. There was a little turbulence and of course i thought i was going to die every time there was a tiny bit...buuut i managed to get through it and before i knew it, it was time to land and the sun was on its way up.
We waited in line at customs/immigration for about an hour and then headed to baggage claim. luckily they have those carriage/carts that you can pile your luggage on to get around easier. So, we each grabbed one and piled all our suitcases on top and went on to figure out what the hell we had to do next. Heathrow airport is the largest and busiest international airport...and we had no idea what we were doing. Our directions said go to terminal 2. Ookay, easy we asked someone how to get there...and the response was, "haha there is no such thing as terminal 2"....well okay now i feel like an idiot and am even more confused. so after 30 minutes of looking for the nonexistent terminal 2 we were directed to a different terminal by way of the underground express. Great news we found out where to go! bad news...the carts had to stay behind and we had to carry our suitcases ourselves....uh oh. So after some serious struggles, hauling, and laughing...mostly by others... we managed to get on board the express. Honestly i've never been laughed at by so many people before and i don't blame them...we were laughing right along with them of course. So i wish everyone could really realize how much of a struggle this was for us but i want to get to the good stuff so i'm just going to let you imagine it. kim..katie...6 suitcases in a foreign country...i think you all get it.

Arriving at Oxford Brookes
We were greeted by Peter Forsaith in an HPU t-shirt. This is the Liason with HPU and our teacher/tutor for or british culture course and also the guy who will be taking us on a bunch of day trips. He brought us to our rooms. Katie went to her room first and we were greeted by another girl from high point, Sarah Lashar. When she opened the door to their flat i could tell something was wrong. Well that something was our new home. It was nothing like any of us had expected. there are ten rooms...five upstairs five downstairs. boys and girls. Downstairs there is also a bathroom with 3 stalls, 3 showers, and a sink. There is a kitchen but its more like a hall way with a stove and an oven that could be confused with my easy bake from 3rd grade and a fridge that i'm a good 2 feet taller than. I was shocked, and horrified, and upset...and angry. The bed had a used comforter on it and the walls needed a coat of paint..Then i realized i was being stupid, judgmental, and spoiled. But i couldn't help it. i have never had to share a bathroom before and wearing flip flops to take a shower was something i wasnt too keen on. But its turned out to not be so bad haha. Anyways, we dropped our things and Peter took us around campus. But i still wished i could call someone from home espcially my family but since i didn't have a phone yet...or internet connection at that moment i couldn't. It was so weird to feel so cut of from the US. Soon Emily, and Matt the other HPU kids arrived and the five us exchanged feelings about this being as far from HPU as it could about culture shock, it should have been known that would happen when you leave a school like High Point. But we all realized how spoiled we are at HPU and looked at the upside that we were in England, and we were going to make the best of everything because well 1. we had to and 2. we were excited about the opportunity.

-my room is the only one in the flat that has 2 closets...its like they knew i was going to need the space! haha yeah i definitely lucked out with that one.

*besides the bed being a little bit uncomfortable
 i made the room a lot more "me" and now i'm happy with  it!*

City Centre
Peter took us shopping the next day to get necessities like a phone(that i have but can't make calls only use for skype, if anyone was wondering) and other things we might need in our flats for the first few weeks. City Centre is a bus ride away, as is everything else, and it is unbelievable. I love it! there are so many shops, cafes, restaurants and sites to see. I find myself there all the time because there is always somewhere new to try, shop, or see. There are always live entertainers everywhere either singing, dancing, and well a whole lot of other weird things too but it is very entertaining. I had "chips" -french fries at my lunch that day...soooo good. I'm obsessed now. 

Headington & Wheatley Campus
We are living on Harcourt Hill. Headington is where all of my classes are except for one which is on Wheatley campus. Headington is about 35 minutes away from Harcourt and Wheatley is about an hour. Yes, it sucks. It sucks, but its not that bad....if that makes any sense. The bus can be a huge pain, but its also time i use to get things done...luckily there is wifi on the bus so i can use the internet etc. The sucky part of it is well...i have to leave 30 minutes early, sometimes its packed, and sometimes you just don't feel like taking the bus. But, i'm adjusting to it and i'm figuring out ways to make it an easy thing.

Monday September 19th, my roommates were starting to move in and i had met most of them. There are four girls including me, and five boys. Everyone is really nice so i definitely lucked out with roommates. Katie basically lives in a frat house and i find it completely hilarious...she definitely didn't at first but all of her roommates are actually really nice too.

Freshers- Freshman
Chips-French Fries
Frat house-Katies flat
Peter-our liason/teacher

Thursday September 22nd
 We spent the day in London with Peter, being super touristy and seeing a bunch of cool stuff, which included the changing of the guards!
About an hour away, London is great, i loved it..i am actually going back this weekend i can't wait!

Friday, September 23
a place created by aliens.
Its true, aliens put these giant rocks here and i'm probably never going to be convinced of the other theories. I LOVED this trip. I've wanted to see stonehenge for such a long time and i've seen it on TV, and read about it so many times before i couldn't believe i was actually there! Such a fun morning. It was actually the equinox that morning and people were allowed to touch it at like 5AM. i wish i had known i so would have woken up for it. haha! no seriously.

We headed to Salisbury next to go check out the Salisbury Cathedral. It was pretty amazing actually. I didn't think i would be interested but the architecture aspect of it was actually pretty cool. Its so strange to think that so many years ago people were able to build a place like this.

Stars and Audiences
How to Plan a Successful Event
Intro to Magazine Publishing
British Culture

i love all my classes! they all have a lot of work to them, but its work that i don't mind doing because i'm actually interested in it.

Saturday 31st
they spell things weird here
not really sure how to explain this picture besides 'the frat house' 

Sunday Oct 1st
Katie, Sarah and I went on a nice little picnic at the park near Headington! It was such a beautiful day. So we enjoyed baguette sandwiches (so good) in the nice weather before it goes away!

Monday, October 2nd
its bauuth, not bath.
Peter left us to do the tour of the roman baths ourself. It was really cool to walk through all the tunnels and see the remains. I so would have loved to been a roman at bath, but only if i was the one being fed grapes and being fanned by giant leaves...i so would have loved that lifestyle.

Okay, so i'm alll caught up. I love it here, as much as my first couple days i was nervous and overwhelmed, that quickly changed and i cannot wait to enjoy the rest of my time here! The rest of my posts will probably be short and sweet...but giving you all the info you want of course! keep checking back for more! xxo