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Tuesday 1 November 2011

Wax Museum

Katie Sarah and I went to Madame Tusaudds wax museum in London! It was the first wax museum i've ever been to, it was so cool, some of the wax figures looked justtt like the person. There were soo many rooms and so many people walking around so there were real people and wax people everyyyywhere, it was creepy. We had to wait in short line a lot of times to get a picture with some of the celebrities. Rihanna was like one of the longest lines...they LOVE Rihanna over here. She is playing 10+ concerts in the UK and they are almost ALL sold out! At the end of the wax museum there was a haunted house type thing which was hilarious because Sarah was absolutely freaking out not wanting to go in. But of course Katie and I dragged her in haha. <3 haunted houses.

Audrey Hepburn is my absolute favorite <3 i love her

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